#!/usr/bin/env python3 import time class Direction: def __init__(self, pos_change_x, pos_change_y): self.pos_change_x = pos_change_x self.pos_change_y = pos_change_y def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Direction): return False return self.pos_change_x == other.pos_change_x and self.pos_change_y == other.pos_change_y def __hash__(self): return hash((self.pos_change_x, self.pos_change_y)) def __repr__(self): return f"Direction({self.pos_change_x}, {self.pos_change_y})" class Point: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Point): return False return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y def __hash__(self): return hash((self.x, self.y)) def __repr__(self): return f"Point({self.x}, {self.y})" class Guard: def __init__(self, pos, direction): self.pos = pos self.direction = direction def __repr__(self): return f"Guard({self.pos}, {self.direction})" def move(self, obstacles): if self.direction == UP: if (Point(self.pos.x, self.pos.y - 1) in obstacles): self.direction = RIGHT return Point(self.pos.x, self.pos.y - 1) else: self.pos.y -= 1 elif self.direction == DOWN: if (Point(self.pos.x, self.pos.y + 1) in obstacles): self.direction = LEFT return Point(self.pos.x, self.pos.y + 1) else: self.pos.y += 1 elif self.direction == LEFT: if (Point(self.pos.x - 1, self.pos.y) in obstacles): self.direction = UP return Point(self.pos.x - 1, self.pos.y) else: self.pos.x -= 1 elif self.direction == RIGHT: if (Point(self.pos.x + 1, self.pos.y) in obstacles): self.direction = DOWN return Point(self.pos.x + 1, self.pos.y) else: self.pos.x += 1 def draw(m, visited_pos, obstacle_pos, guard): print("\033c") # clear screen # draw the guard in blue, the obstacles in red, and the path in yellow for y in range(len(m)): for x in range(len(m[y])): if guard.pos.x == x and guard.pos.y == y: print("\033[34m", end="") if guard.direction == UP: print("^", end="") elif guard.direction == DOWN: print("v", end="") elif guard.direction == LEFT: print("<", end="") elif guard.direction == RIGHT: print(">", end="") print("\033[0m", end="") else: if Point(x, y) in visited_pos: print("\033[33m", end="") print(".", end="") print("\033[0m", end="") elif Point(x, y) in obstacle_pos: print("\033[31m", end="") print("#", end="") print("\033[0m", end="") else: print(" ", end="") print() with open("./2024/inputs/day06.txt") as f: m = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()] UP = Direction(0, -1) DOWN = Direction(0, 1) LEFT = Direction(-1, 0) RIGHT = Direction(1, 0) guard = None obstacle_pos = set() visited_pos = set() for y in range(len(m)): for x in range(len(m[y])): if m[y][x] in ["^", "v", "<", ">"]: guard_pos = Point(x, y) if m[y][x] == "^": guard_direction = UP elif m[y][x] == "v": guard_direction = DOWN elif m[y][x] == "<": guard_direction = LEFT elif m[y][x] == ">": guard_direction = RIGHT guard = Guard(guard_pos, guard_direction) elif m[y][x] == "#": obstacle_pos.add(Point(x, y)) while guard.pos.x >= 0 and guard.pos.x < len(m[0]) and guard.pos.y >= 0 and guard.pos.y < len(m): if guard.pos not in visited_pos: visited_pos.add(guard.pos) guard.move(obstacle_pos) draw(m, visited_pos, obstacle_pos, guard) time.sleep(0.1)